Football stand Engineer: Tamás Hegedűs, Dr. Ferenc Papp Design office: KÉSZ Kft. Location:Budapest, Hungary Built in:2003, Material:S355, Weight:27 t |
The following publications appeared in scientific journals or international conference proceedings and contain research results using the ConSteel software by various experts in the field of structural steel design.
- Rubert, A.: Biegetorsion in der Stahlbaupraxis heute - modern, universell und zuverlässig. Bauingenieur 10/2019 (PDF)
- Rubert, A.: Evaluation der Korrektheit und Genauigkeit der Software ConSteel bei Berechnungen biegeknick- und biegedrillknickgefährdeter ebener und räumlicher stählerner Strukturen nach Theorie 2. Ordnung. Höxter 2019 (PDF)
- Rubert, A., Pollmann, D., Schaefer, S.; Analyse- und Nachweisformate des Biegedrillknickens stählerner Rahmen. Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau (KI) 04/2017 (PDF)
- C Bernuzzi, M Simoncelli, M Venezia: Performance of mono-symmetric upright pallet racks under slab deflections (Abstract)
- Giżejowski M., Stachura Z.: Buckling strength of a steel multi-storey framework according to Eurocode’s general method. XIII International Conference on Metal Structures, Zielona Góra, Poland, June 15-17, 2016. (Abstract)
- Giżejowski M., Stachura Z.: Stateczność techniczna stalowych konstrukcji prętowych w ujęciu eurokodowej metody ogólnej. Inżynieria i Budownictwo, vol. 72, nr 2, 2016, s. 82-90. (Abstract) (Abstract)
- Stachura Z., Giżejowski M.: Eurokodowe procedury statecznościowego sprawdzania nośności stalowych ram płaskich. Rozdział w monografii: Konstrukcje betonowe i metalowe, Wydawnictwa Uczelniane Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-Przyrodniczego, Bydgoszcz 2015, 267-276. (Abstract) (Abstract)
- Giżejowski M., Szczerba R., Gajewski M., Stachura Z.: Analiza nośności stalowej ramy płaskiej o blachownicowych elementach smukłościennych. Czasopismo Inżynierii Lądowej, Środowiska i Architektury (Journal of Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture), Politechnika Rzeszowska, z. 62 (4/15), 2015, s. 73-92. (PDF)
- Wagenknecht, G.; Kiel, B.: Vergleich der Berechnungsverfahren für biegedrillknickgefährdete Bauteile nach Eurocode 3. Gießener Bauforums 2016 - 23.9.2016 (PDF)
- Szalai, J.; Rubert, A.; Papp, F.: Spatial stability analysis and globalstability checks according to DIN EN1993–1–1. Bauingenieur 10-2015 (Abstract)
- C Bernuzzi, N Draskovic, M Simoncelli: European and United States approaches for steel storage pallet rack design. Part 2: Practical application (Abstract), (PDF)
- Nagy, Zs., Pop, A., Mois, I., Ballok, R.: Stressed skin effect on the elastic buckling of pitched roof portal frames. Eighth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Lisbon, Portugal, July 22-24, 2015 (PDF)
- Badari, B., Papp, F.: On Design Method of Lateral-torsional Buckling of Beams: State of he Art and a New Proposal for a General Type Design Method. Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, Vol. 59, No. 2 2015 (PDF)
- C Bernuzzi, M Simoncelli: European alternatives to design perforated thin-walled cold-formed beam–columns for steel storage systems (Abstract)
- C Bernuzzi, M Simoncelli: European design approaches for isolated cold-formed thin-walled beam–columns with mono-symmetric cross-section (Abstract)
- Papp, F., Rubert, A. and Szalai, J. (2014), DIN EN 1993-1-1-konforme integrierte Stabilitätsanalysen für 2D/3D-Stahlkonstruktionen (Teil 1-3). Stahlbau, 83 (PDF)
- C Bernuzzi, A Gobetti, G Gabbianelli, M Simoncelli: Unbraced pallet rack design in accordance with European practice–Part 1: Selection of the method of analysis.•Thin-Walled Structures, 2014, (Abstract)
- A Tóth, A Joó: Comparative study of steel frame modelling levels and Eurocode based design methods, "Model Validation and Simulation” - Graduate Courses for Structural Engineering
Applications, Bauhaus Summer School, Volume 023, Pages 187- 195 (PDF) - C Bernuzzi, A Gobetti, G Gabbianelli, M Simoncelli: Warping influence on the resistance of uprights in steel storage pallet racks. Journal of Constructional Steel Research,Volume 101, 2014, Pages 224–241 (Abstract)
- Papp, F., Rubert, A. and Szalai, J. (2014), DIN EN 1993-1-1-konforme integrierte Stabilitätsanalysen für 2D/3D-Stahlkonstruktionen (Teil 3). Stahlbau, 83: 325–342. doi: 10.1002/stab.201410168 (Abstract)
- C Bernuzzi, A Pieri, V Squadrito: Warping influence on the static design of unbraced steel storage pallet racks. Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 79, June 2014, Pages 71–82 (Abstract)
- Papp, F., Rubert, A. and Szalai, J. (2014), DIN EN 1993-1-1-konforme integrierte Stabilitätsanalysen für 2D/3D-Stahlkonstruktionen (Teil 2). Stahlbau, 83: 122–141. doi: 10.1002/stab.201410140 (Abstract) (PDF)
- Papp, F., Rubert, A. and Szalai, J. (2014), DIN EN 1993-1-1-konforme integrierte Stabilitätsanalysen für 2D/3D-Stahlkonstruktionen (Teil 1). Stahlbau, 83: 1–15. doi: 10.1002/stab.201410128 (Abstract) (PDF)
- Feldmann, M.; Sedlacek, G.; Wieschollek, M.; Szalai, J.: Biege- und Biegedrillknicknachweise nach Eurocode 3 anhand von Berechnungen nach Theorie 2. Ordnung. In: Stahlbau, 1 (2012), S. 1-12 (PDF)
- Wieschollek, M.; Schillo, N.; Feldmann, M.; Sedlacek, G.: Lateral-torsional buckling checks of steel frames using second-order analysis. In: Steel Construction - Design and Research, 2 (2012), S. 71-86 (Abstract)
- Wieschollek, M.; Feldmann, M.; Szalai, J.; Sedlacek, G.: Biege- und Biegedrillknicknachweise nach Eurocode 3 anhand von Berechnungen nach Theorie 2. Ordnung. In: Festschrift Gerhard Hanswille, Institut für Konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (2011), S. 73-95
- Z. Nagy and M. Cristutiu: Local and Global Stability Analysis of a Large Free Span Steel Roof Structure Civil-Comp Press, 2012 Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (PDF)
- Z. Nagy and M. Cristutiu: Application of monitoring to ensure structural robustness 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures. Edited by Dunai L at al. Budapest, Hungary, 2011.
- Szalai J, Papp F. Theory and application of the general method of Eurocode 3 Part 1-1. 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures. Edited by Dunai L at al. Budapest, Hungary, 2011. (PDF)
- Szalai J. Use of eigenvalue analysis for different levels of stability design. International Colloquium on the Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures. Edited by Batista E at al. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2010. (PDF)
- Badari B, Papp F. Calibration of the Ayrton-Perry resistance formula – A new design formula for LTB of simple beams. 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures. Edited by Dunai L at al. Budapest, Hungary, 2011.
- Papp F, Iványi M, Jármai K.Unified object-oriented definition of thin-walled steel beam-column cross-sections. COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES 79: pp. 839-852. (2001) (Abstract)
- Papp F, Iványi M. ConSteel as the prototype of a CAD/CAM oriented program for concurrent design of beam-column structrures. In: M Iványi, J P Muzeau, B H V Topping (szerk.) Proc. 5th International Conference on Computational Steel Structures Technology. Leuven, Belgium, 2000.09.06-2000.09.08. Edinburgh: Civil-Comp Press, pp. 1-12. Paper 1.1. (ISBN: 0-948749-72-5)